I teach grammar as well, but I like to concentrate on effective communication during my lessons.
I have a lot of experience in teaching. I have been working as a teacher for 10 years, and as a translator for 20 years.
I am a qualified teacher of English, history, and social studies. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in English-Finnish translation, which means that I have also studied Finnish at the university. I also have a Master of Social Sciences degree in International Relations.
I teach English to most of my students, but I also teach Finnish for non-Finnish speakers whenever the opportunity arises.
I teach online via Teams or Google Meet, which means that it doesn’t matter where in the world you live to be able to participate in my lessons.
If you live in Tampere area in Finland, we can also meet for the lessons. I have an office in Pirkkala.
Drop me a line and let’s see, how we can improve your Finnish together!
I took Finnish speaking lessons with Sanna.
Sanna is professional and cheerful, making each lesson an enjoyable experience.
Her lessons are both relaxed and informative, and I never find myself running out of topics to talk about when we practice speaking.
Sanna's teaching style is unique and effective. She plans different topics for each lesson, using a variety of materials to make the learning process both interesting and engaging. Instead of relying only on textbooks, Sanna incorporates interesting and relevant materials to keep the lessons fresh and fun.
Thanks to Sanna's guidance, I've gained a lot of confidence in my Finnish speaking skills. Her recommended methods have been incredibly useful and I'm still using them today as I continue to improve on my own.
If you're looking for a great Finnish teacher who is both knowledgeable and fun to work with, Sanna is the one for you.
Tulin Sannan oppitunteille korjamaan virhettä suomen puhekielessä.
Oppitunnilla me keskustelimme paljon, luimme artikkeleita, laajensimme minun suomen kielen sanastoa. Oppituntien jälkeen Sanna lähetti minulle oikeat lauseet, joista voin harjoitella lisää.
Olen kiitollinen sinulle loistavasta työstä, jonka tulos näen omassa elämässä. Puhun rohkeampi, kirjoitan parempi ja minulla on hyvä motivointi oppi enemmän ja enemmän uusia sanoja.
Yritykseni nimi kuvaa ajatusmaailmaa opetustyöni taustalla. Aina voi oppia uutta, on monia tapoja oppia, eikä oppiminen koskaan lopu.
Tervetuloa onnistumaan ja innostumaan kanssani ja tuntemaan onnea oppimisesta!
Ota yhteyttä:
Puh. 040 5566736
Rinnekuja 11, Pirkkala
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